Saturday, January 23, 2016

Who's Fault is it Anyway?

Somebody dropped the baby.

I think you did it.
You think I did it.
I say it's your fault.
You say it's my fault.
I bring up all the times in the past where you have been responsible for dropping the baby.
You mention that my negative attitude is the reason you dropped him in the first place.
I point out that you just admitted that you dropped him.
You point out that it's still all my fault.


The baby is still on the floor crying!

This proverbial baby is our current levy. It hasn't even been dropped, but people are already pointing fingers at who's fault it is.

I have heard more fingers pointed in the past few months (yes, I'm so attuned to the community that I can literally hear a finger being pointed!) than ever before.

The school board has said if the levy fails, it will be because of the teachers' strike.

PAE has said that if the levy fails it will be because the school district hasn't fully supported it.

District administrators have said the if the levy fails it will be because the community is in such a state of unrest.

Voters have said if the levy fails it is because people are so unhappy with the way the district is spending our money.

People trolling this page have said that if the levy fails it will be because of this blog.

It almost feels like people want the levy to fail just so they can keep pointing fingers at each other.

Meanwhile.... the baby is still on the floor crying!

The blame game is making me sick. Well, that's not literally true but it is still unproductive. Solutions people! We need solutions!

It doesn't matter who's fault it is.

If the levy fails, our children will suffer.


Image result for over dramatic child crying
We took levy and levy equalization dollars from this child and observed the reaction.

If you are angry at teachers for going on strike, great. Write them a letter and let them know how you feel. Then vote YES on the levy.

If you are angry at the district for how they spend your money, great. Write them a letter and let them know how you feel. Then vote YES on the levy.

If you are angry at the union for causing contention, great. Write them a letter and let them know how you feel. Then vote YES on the levy.

If you are angry at the school board for their mixed up priorities, great. Write them a letter and let them know how you feel. Then vote YES on the levy.

If you are an angry troll who doesn't like my blog, great. Write me a letter and let me know how you feel. Then vote YES on the levy.

Most of the time I like to present information, make suggestions, and let you decide. But this isn't one of those times. I have one opinion and I want you to share it.

Vote YES on the levy.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Times, they are a changin'

It wasn't too long ago that around here, community members often approached the school board like so many Orphan Olivers with bowls held up after their single word of commentary, pitifully mourning, "Please, Sir. I'd like some more..."

Please sir. May I have 30 more seconds at the podium?

Thankfully the board has decided that the old English workhouse tactics didn't actually serve the community at large. We now actually, REALLY and LITERALLY get a chance to communicate with the board.

What was once a very rigid "We know best, and don't care what you say" school board has has slowly morphed into a slightly softer "We think we know best, but we are willing to listen to what you say" school board.

Guys, this is great news!  This is big! Like, Led Zeppelin reunion tour big! This is a huge change!

Percy, Pagey and Jonsey want you to take the chance
for your voice to be heard. Don't disappoint them.
Even if it may feel like things are still business as usual, they aren't. Where we previously had little to no opportunity to discuss ideas with the school board, we now have many. That sense of helplessness when writing emails or speaking at a board meeting is passing. PEOPLE ARE GETTING RESPONSES.

This is the golden opportunity so many people have been hoping, waiting, praying, threatening and wishing for. And now it's here!

So don't miss it.

Yes, this was an actual movie. No, it was not the worst
cheap sequel Disney besmirched itself with by a long shot.
Don't sit back and do nothing because you think nothing will ever change. I promise if you do, you'll be right. Imagine what would have happened if Roy Disney had never complained about all those Made-for-cheap sequels... we'd still have Michael Eisner and "Inside Out" would have been "Mulan 4.25; the Quest for More Money".

So don't let it happen! Don't let 2016 just be a lousy strait to DVD sequel of 2015! Get out there and let your voice be heard. Let those who work for you and represent you hear what you have to say. If you think all of us speaking together will make a difference, you'll be right!

The excuse for the longest time was "No one really cares, so we'll just do what we want." But when the community rises up and states exactly what they want and what they care about, change inevitably follows. That's the beauty of democracy in a small town: What you do and say matters!

So go do and say something!

PSD needs you!

Only YOU can prevent further PSD shenanigans.
Our kids need you. The future of Pasco needs you. 2016 needs you.

We need you to be involved. We need you to share your ideas. We need you to stand up and call it when things don't seem right, and to cheer when they do.

We need you, and we need you right now.

For a list of upcoming board meetings, community conversations, and study sessions please click here: "PSD events for people who like to talk"

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Prioritize. It's what adults do.

Question: Which one of these kids is more important?

Child A

Child B

Child C

Child D (Ohmigosh he's so CUUUUTTTEEE!!)

Child E

Go ahead and take your time. No rush.

Can't decide?
Oh wait- you think all children are equally valuable?


Congratulations you just passed the "decent human being" test!

Yes, all children are equally important.  All children are inherently valuable and deserve to be loved and cared for by adults.

All right now that we have agreed that all children are equally valuable, I'm gonna head to the store and get some groceries. But what am I gonna buy for the two billion children of the world?  I mean they are all important right? They all need to eat. I can't just buy groceries for my own kids can I? That would be crazy selfish. We just agreed that ALL children are equally important.  So I have to take care of them all. I have to use my resources on all of them. Right?

2 billion bottoms? We're gonna need a lot more toilet paper!

Of course not. That is not only ridiculous, it's impossible. I literally can not provide food for all the children of the world. If I try, every child will end up with about half a grain of rice before I run out of money and nobody gets to eat. Well, everybody can eat the half a grain of rice, since it's gluten free, but they will not be very satisfied.

Even this epic pizza cannot feed all the children in the world. 
The truth is ALL children are important, but not all children are my responsibility.   

Every parent is responsible for providing food for their own children. Every parent is not responsible for feeding all the children of the world.  

Now if you happen to be pretty successful at feeding all of your own children, you might (out of the kindness of your heart) want to take a look at your neighbor's children and see if they need some food too. And if you have resources to spare, you could feed them too. Or you could donate some money or food to a food bank or homeless shelter. Or hire ninjas to sneak food into their pantries if you're feeling really jaunty about it.

However, if you are homeless or your kids are going to school without a coat because you can't afford one, that probably isn't the best time to volunteer to be "snack mom" for the soccer team. Not even "Snack Ninja" despite how cool that would be. Basically, if you are struggling to take care of your own kids, you probably shouldn't volunteer to take care other people's kids.

Getting your kid a coat: Priority.

Getting super cute cupcakes for the football team: NOT a Priority.

Similarly, if you are crying yourself to sleep at night because your pantry is empty and you don't know what you will feed your kids tomorrow, you probably shouldn't be trying to sign papers to adopt someone else' kids. It doesn't mean you are cruel and it doesn't mean you hate children, it just means you know how to "adult".

I was gonna fill these shelves with like books but I decided instead I wanted to
buy a couple of ponies because all kids like ponies and not all kids like math.
No, I don't know where we're keeping the ponies or how we will afford to feed
the ponies for years to come.
Stop talking about this. Do you hate ponies and children or something?

As adults we understand that there are things in life that we must do, and things that we can do.  We can not even begin to work on the cans until we have taken care of the musts. That is called adulting. We all have to learn to do it. This is what separates us from tweens and puppies. The ability to distinguish between wants and needs. Between cans and musts.
Now, let's pretend that instead of being a parent you are actually a school district. And let's imagine that buying food is like buying curriculum.  And just for fun let's pretend that your house is really New Horizon's High school.

Now imagine you see some really adorable preschool children on an adoption web-site. What should you do?  Those cute little toddlers are so sweet looking! And we all agree that they are every bit as important as your own children, but.....


Right now PSD is moving at lightning speed to get a Pre-K center built to serve pre-school aged children in our community.  That is a totally worthy goal. Those children are every bit as important as any other children on the face of the planet.  Plus they are adorable in ways that acne-prone, awkward teenagers are not.



Where there should be books, our cupboards are bare.

Where there should be a roof over our childrens' head, we instead have chronic flood conditions at New Horizons, Stevens, Longfellow, and McLoughlin.

We have 17,000 children to take care of, and honestly, things aren't going smoothly. We have growing pains on an epic scale and thousands of children we are legally obliged to care for in portables. We had a hard time passing our last bond but all three elementary schools from that bond are already at capacity. Yet, for reasons no one can explain, PSD wants to bring in a few thousand more, all the while claiming that we are too poor to feed and house the ones we already have.


If you can't take care of your current responsibilities, you shouldn't be trying to take on even more. That is irresponsible. That is a failure to adult. It may seem magnanimous to care for people that you don't have to care for, especially if they are super cute, but it's not. Not if you aren't taking care of those you are already responsible for. Shirking a less glamorous responsibility to volunteer for another, more adorable one doesn't make you awesome, but it might make you a less-than-stellar adult with terrible judgement.

It's time for PSD to make its current responsibilities into priorities, and take care of the students we have before we go looking for more. That's the adult thing to do here.