Like Chicken Little running around claiming the sky is falling, there has been a lot of naysayers out there talking about why the next levy will not pass. Even some of our own school board members have openly expressed their doubts.
Historically speaking, districts who go on strike do not pass the next levy. It's true. Strikes are generally contentious and divisive leading voters to lash out in the only way they can, at the polls. So people are right to be concerned. The naysayers may be right to assume the worst.
But we aren't naysayers here. We are "way-sayers." When others say nay, we say let's find a way! Rather than worry about whether the levy will pass, how about we do something to make sure it does.
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Pasco Hates Children!!! This summer proves it!!!!!! |
In order to pass the levy, we've got to deal with two major groups of people. Those who plan to vote for the levy and those who don't.
The first group are already on our side. Great! Unfortunately saying you hope the levy passes, and actually doing something about it are two different things. We have got to get people to turn out to vote. We are fortunate in that we can vote from the comfort of our own homes. So getting people to "turn out" just means reminding people to fill out and mail their ballot. It sounds easy, but sometimes its not. People get busy, people forget. So when the ballots come in the mail, we need to be messaging all our friends and neighbors and reminding them to fill out their ballot. Will people get tired of hearing it? Yes. I don't care. I'm tired of substandard education for our children. So no more wringing our hands and worrying about what can be done. We can do something. We can vote. We can remind our neighbors to vote. And we can hold the school boards' feet to the fire to make sure they use our funds wisely. No more nay-saying. We want way-saying.
Then there is group number two. Worse than the doubters, are the people who are saying they won't vote for the levy. They are saying they want to send a clear message to the district that they aren't happy with how things are going.
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Didn't work out so well for this guy did it? |
That's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Ouch. Also, historically ineffective.
Not only is that a bad idea, but it won't work anyway. We know because we've already tried it. In 2011 the bond failed. Many who voted against it said they wanted to send a clear message to PSD that they were not happy with how things were going. Did the district internalize that and change their policies and priorities? Of course not! In fact, when certain board members were specifically questioned about voter confidence and whether they felt a failed bond or levy was a reflection on their own policies, they indicated people who voted against the bond were stupid and selfish (I'm paraphrasing here). And to add insult to injury the board and district administration has continued to use the failed bond as an excuse for every other problem under the sun in PSD.
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I've uncovered PSD's secret medical files. |
Sooooooo, there is a lot of stuff being said.... something about a bond thingy.... I like Orchestra and buses for sports and stuff but.... I don't know I'm confused, what are we suppose to do now?
Let's take a minute and get back to basics shall we?
What is the difference between a bond and a levy?
Why should I vote for the levy?
Levies pay for a LOT of stuff. Too much to name it all, but let's just list a few: elementary music, band, orchestra, library, p.e., nurses, technology, buses for sporting events, buses for any event, chess club, robotics club, every other club under the sun, para-pros for primary grades, special education, bilingual, dual language, etc!
PSD is the largest employer in Pasco by a lot (nearly twice as many employees as the second runner up, Tyson Foods). Pasco's economy literally (and very strangely) revolves around our schools. When a levy fails, jobs get cut. A levy failure would drastically affect the majority of people in Pasco. We can not let that happen.
There is a committee that meets every Monday at 5:15 at the downtown Pasco library to work on promoting the levy. Everyone is welcome. Please go and find out what you can do to help. The committee also has a Facebook page you can check out Pasco Citizens for Better Schools.
If I don't like what PSD is doing and voting no isn't an option, how can I get my voice heard?
Sadly, a LOT of people have been telling me that are voting no on the levy because they are unhappy with PSD's spending priorities. And while I can agree with them in some respects, a levy vote is NOT an effective place to voice those concerns. If you are unhappy with the district's spending priorities, then go to the board and tell them so. Write them, call them, email them, speak at a board meeting! Let your voice be heard.
A "no" vote on a levy tells the district "I want to spend less money but I don't care what you do to make it happen." Everyone wants to spend less money, that's a given, but sending a message this way amounts to no message at all. "HOW" we spend the money is what's important, and that can't be expressed at the polls.
What if Gandalf is right? What if the levy doesn't pass? Statistics say that districts that go on strike don't pass levies.
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YOU CANNOT HAVE CURRICULUM AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BAND PROGRAMS!!!! (this is just Gandalf's opinion, and in no way expresses the opinions of this blog) |
Those statistics are completely meaningless. That's like looking at history and saying teams with blue jerseys are more likely to loose than teams with red jerseys. It may be a true statistic, but there is a lot more at play than just the color of a jersey.
Pasco is more than just a statistic.
Our community is more unified than ever. We love our schools. We spent all summer fighting side by side for a better education for our kids. WE CAN DO THIS!
The levy MUST pass!
The levy WILL pass!
Tell your neighbors. Tell your friends. Tell your aunt. Tell your dog. Get involved and do what ever it takes to make sure the this community continues to provide for the 17,000 students living here. They are worth it. Now let's prove it.
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